Drug Search.

oh this thread is pretty wicked but stop with the Can vs. US shit… since we all know Canada is beTar.

modded some stuff here… especially liked the ‘go lose in gold medals’ comment… i like where your heads at :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure all a cop needs is reasonable and probable cause to conduct a search on your home, vehicle or person. This is especially true if it is believed that a life is endangered or weapons are believed to be present. Now, it’s open for discussion what constitutes reasonable and probable…Canada that is

Fuck’n eh

Where’s mordak when you need him? He’ll probably even give you his lawyers number.

did u really have to jump on a typo?
what, you want everybody here to start writing a post like it’s a essay ?

i appreciate peoples feedback.
i think the cops were sketchy and probably didnt have a WARRANT.
the friend went to his backyard the next day and found two skunks living in his shed for almost a week. and he said the smell from far away was awfully close to the smell of weed.
but rly ? cops these days cant tell the difference between pot and skunk ?

You don’t have to write like it’s a graduate paper but, if you expect others to take the time and effort to read and reply to your posts, put the time and effort into making them fucking legible. You know Firefox has a built in spell check, right?

The cops probably were sketchy, and probably didn’t have a warrant, but they weren’t the ones claiming to have smelled it. A neighbour did. Also, speaking as an experienced smoker, a skunk in a shed can smell like someone’s burning one in the general area.

long argument short, if cops have a warrant, they’re probably gonna show it to you, not say they left it in their car. if for no other reason than it would be a waste of their time to do otherwise.

they have to show you the warrant and what its for, they cant just knock on your door and tell you they have a warrant in the car and want to search your house for drugs or some bullshit they’ll make. so fuck the popo’s :slight_smile:

haha Bing

I thought you Canadians just gave each other keys to your houses anyway? What kind of crappy socialists maintain private property? You’re like Joe, you only want socialism for everyone else. Fuck.

Move to California. Full legalization coming to a garden near you.