dealing weed is a no no (now with pics, 56K gets hit by the S.W.A.T. van)

well i saw a drug warrant raid/search first hand last night. i come home from work at 5pm, to my town house complex by RIT (not on campus but tons of college kids around). Drive up and see tons of cops and guys who looked like SWAT or whatever its called now. I park and walkup to them since this is all happening 1 door across from my place and ask them whats up. they tell me that my neighbors like to sell weed and are getting raided/warranted search. I also asked them if they were swat or some form of that and they told me yes. theres like 8 swat guys all decked out in gear, masks, etc. and 3+ sherifs cars. Well that was all very fun to watch and experience. but there were some cool/interesting things i wanted to make note of haha.

#1: the narcotics unit put a huge like 1foot by 1foot sticker on the front window saying what happend and waht the warrant was for

#2: the swat team or whatever came in this shitty looking van taht you would never think was swat. it was an old early 90’s mini van almost and tintied out. but it looked not even close to a police van

#3: I found a printed out picture of the residence and address via google satellite maps. I found this kind of weird that the cops used the google maps to zoom in on the place to find exactly where in the complex it was. I asseumed they had someone more sophisticated then a free map program.

#4: they ripped the shit outa everything in the house. i walked up after they left to look in the window and they destroyed it. ripped the bottoms out of the couches, etc.

well thats the story haha, i have some pictures i took out my window that ill upload and post up.

cliff notes: kids get raided by swat next to my place for drugs


usualy when it comes to drug raids the only way the cops dont seize property is if its destroyed during the search

1#they are required to post some notice
2#swat = :snky:
3#googlemaps > *
4#fuck yea, they have to find everything.

So, did You get there before or after the raid? Cause usually they arent so visible before hand.

owned by the 5-0

cliffs notes- dont deal drugs or swat will take your ass away and rip your house to shit

i got there probably 30 min into it. saw most of the search and the kids were already arrested and in the back of the cars. i got some sweet pics taht ill post up tho asap after work


fucking faggot druggies.

thats awesome, i wish i got to see that shit

it was up there with one of the craziest things ive ever seen. All the swat guys with their masks down and geared up was sick to see. I know theres a lot of college kids around the complex that are into stuff… and i bet they shit their pants hardcore when the raid went down

When i had an internship with the DEA we went on a raid of 12 houses in Lockport and surrounding areas, OMG it was Nuckin Futz!! the first house we came up to like 3 teams of swat flew out of their various cars and trucks and had that place in lockdown in less then 1 minute, the people inside never knew what happened, after everything had settled down i was able to go in the house and help them, “If you see anything suspicous just put on gloves and rip it apart” it was by far one of the best days of my life

man tahts awesome… how did u get an internship for the DEA and what was the internship for?

I was in a program called “new visions” like 8 kids out of erie county and Lanc.HS paid for it too. I did 8 internships each for a month,DEA, buffalo court, Amherst Court, ECMC security(way too much blood and guts from shootings),UBPD (where i ended up gettinga job and a couple of others. But the DEA was b far the best but i have to go now cant talk anymore about it or…:shoot: :snky: no what im sayin. oh and as far as the vehicles the swat uses you will NEVER be able to pick them out, my gradfather owns kenilworth electronics and does the installs on alot of Govt vehicles, it serously amazes me sometimes the POS they bring in

retarded waste of tax money>putting $5000 of equipment in to a $500 car

s00per sl33p3r :cool:

thats thee idear…

bahahhaa…This is too funny…
someone snitched…I hate snitches,…:shoot:

They’l be out in no time…you’ll see…and if business was good…Theyre going to keep doing it…Its nothing…just some jail time…no bigg-E:)
Were they growing the shit there? or just selling it? what kind of weed? lol

CNN uses google earth all the time. Google = teh win

i am straightedge and i think that marijuana is a really dumb drug to have all this money and time to bust. go after the coke and crackheads.

I wonder what happens to drugs that the gov finds,im sure they just dont throw it away LOL.

Coke and crack aren’t the big drug anymore.

Meth is the new hotness with drug users, makers and dealers.

^^Thats how the shit gets around…They are not stupid…They know what they’re doing…They make money when they take you in jail for shit they selling you…
bahhahha…Its crazy…I used to be in the game…I know how it works…NOt good…
