drum roll please.....


what does everyone think? colors are subject to change

i dig it. make it night time in the pic.

Originally posted by vw16vcabby
i dig it. make it night time in the pic.

night time?

i like it. :bigthumb:

i like it as you already know, just switch up the colors

nice logo and what is this for …

site needed a logo, and i am getting t shirts made


i like it :bigthumb:

yeah, night time. black out the sky.

hopw about somehtign liek this too…


the baseball look

Originally posted by vw16vcabby
yeah, night time. black out the sky.

like this?

yeah… something liek that. but just the sky. make it a two tone deal… so all black and white. top half will eb black, w/ white city, and bottom half will be opposite. think like a checkered flag. i suck at teh image editing, or i would try t do it…

pitt will be black, speed will be white… make sense? grr, i suck at this paint shop shit… obviously it needs touched up…

Originally posted by dg11
like this?

that really looks good… i like it!!

good job whitey:cool:

yea sweet idea, whitey and sailor.

good job whitey!!!

nice idea’s dg11 & cabby!!!:bigok:

:cool: I’m definitely in for a few shirts.

Originally posted by Jeff95TA
:cool: I’m definitely in for a few shirts.

3 jeff t’s =1 mine!!:frowning: