Drummers Chime in

I’m in the market for a new set. Mine is falling appart. I can’t really decide on which set to buy. What do you guys think?

Pear Export EX

Tama superstar EFX

I use to play on Perals. I liked them.

I prefer the tama suspension system.

tama…way better, ill sell you my star classic maple if ur interested

I’m going through guitar center becasue they are doing a big sale this weekend and I’m getting one of their instore credit cards. no payments and 0% apr. till 2009. Great deal.

I have a pearl export and I love it… But all my sets have been pearl so I have a personal bias. Dunno why really, I just have always liked them…

Tama makes a great kit, I have nothing against it. But the sound of pearls is just better to me. Maybe its because I’m an audio engineer and just like the way the pick up/record when put through mics. Maybe its the amount of layers they use, but I will always take pearl over tama for both playing and gig purposes

I have a DW set.

I have played on both Pearl and Tama. Both are AMAZING quality and sound wise, but I somewhat lean towards Pearl. It has a little bit of a deeper sound and better resonance in my opinion. Although it all depends on the set, layer amount, and type of wood used. I would LOVE a nice Maple set but they are hella expensive.

I was looking at the Tama Superstar EFX kit, I might upgrade to it when I get a little more skills and grow out of my imperialstar kit

yeah I’m not a begginer by any means. I need a new se because we got some shows coming up soon and we are gonna be playing with Stemm in the near future. Dont want to go on stage with them using a set thats literaly falling appart lol.

pearl also has some nice kits reasonalbly priced right now…but I love my Tamas as I think Newman does too

Yeah both are awsome but my main thing right now is price. That and I’ve herd that Tama’s warrenty isnt as good / harder to get parts for :gotme:.

dunno…havent had to use it yet Lol or get parts yet

have u checkout any Grestch kits

I’ve never played on a grestch so I cant make a good decision on one.

go to guitar center and try all the different set, check buffalo drum outlet, etc… you gotta go with what YOU want… who cares what the rest of nyspeed wants. There is a lot of personal bias in threads like these. Ultimately it depends on what sound/feel/look you like.

kits that are falling apart have street cred. y0!


kits that are falling apart have street cred. y0!


lol literally…my high hat is held together by duct tape and tree wire. My bass drum lost a lug, my 14" tom lost a lug. Its a begginer set and I am not a beginner. Time for a professional upgrade for playing shows. I am not going on stage with Stemm with na beat up falling appart pos drum set.

Tama ftmfw