Drummers chime in

Right now I’m rockin a percussion plus set. its nothing amazing, but good for bangin around and practicing. I got together with one of the guitarists from my old band and we are starting a new project. These guys have played shows before and gone on tour with other bands, they are serious about playing, not just a jam band. So yeah here’s my question, what kind of set should I get? Like I said, the one I have now is good for just jamming and shit, but if I am going to play out I will defiantly need something much better. I know some of you play. So like what kind of drums do you guys have preference to? How are Ludwig, Mapex, Gretch? I was looking at this set. Its a Pear Export. I really like it and have played on one before, love the sound.

I am getting $900 for my refund in march from school. So I was going to use some of that money towards a new set. I have no problems buying used, and if I can get that set or a similar one for a good price that would be bad ass. I would like a read double bass set, but they are a pain in the ass to set up and constantly tune, I’m sure I will get one eventualy, but for now a single bass with double pedals works.

go with a tama set. ive had several and now i have the starclassic maple series in tequila sunrise color. this sounds fantastic. If u would like to try it out let me know i also have a friends pearl set a my place to that u can check out.

Sweet. Yeah I would like Tama Maple Starclassic kit but God damn they’re expensive. Like I said though, this is a serious project, not just a garage band. We are seriously planning on playing showes by this summer at least. They already have 3-4 songs done, I just need to get the drums in the mix. I had to wait for a while before I could start doin anything with em cuz I needed the ok from my Dr about teh arm. I didn’t wanna chance anything ya know. But anywho, yeah Tama is Amazing! But Pearl is also very good. They are pretty damn comperable IMHO. I am also looking at maby picking up a Zildjian ZBT cymbol pack from Musiciansfriend.com.

its a killer deal. And although the ZBT series is the low end of Zildjian…its still made by Zildjian. So its like saying “oh its only the base model M5” lol, its still good.


I play on a Premier set. i have had it for about 4 years and i love the set. Played in a few different bands with it and recorded with it a few times and was very very pleased. Up grading on the heads you use though is a big factor. You can make a cheaper drumset sound pretty decent if you just get decent heads. As for muscians friend i never really cared for them. I have heard some bad stories about there drums like missing parts etc… But for the same price as the set you were looking at you could get a nice premier set. I have always dealed with a guy named Dave at Depew music on Broadawy near transit. Hes a great guy and has always hooked me up and took care of me. Check him out, he has a variety of sets in stock and wont dick you around.

Yeah I know where the place is. I’ve stopped in once for like 30 seconds. Didnt get a chance to really talk to him though. How are Sonor and Pulse products? any good?

if you have the money go with a DW set

Sonor looks like they have some good stuff. I have never really looked at them but from just browsing online they look decent fo the price range your looking into. As for the pulse the drums shells look nice and are made out of decent materials just look like they give you shitty stands. Theses stands would be good for practices and such but once you start playing out your stuff will take a beating and then may not last much longer.> http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Pulse-Pro-5Piece-Lacquer-Drum-Set?sku=444560

dw and tama are both nice. I have DW hardware and a starclassic kit…

I have also owned 2 tama rockstars and a pearle export. for anything really gnarly, it doesn’t even matter what brand. lol.

STAY AWAY FROM ZBT’s! i have all ZBT’s and they were great when i was in highschool and just jamming with friends but they are totally trash. if your going to play live or thinking about recording in the future just save up and get quality cymbals. i’m kicking myself now for not getting good cymbals to start with. replacing all of mine now is going to be expensive, i’ve had to borrow a friends A customs for the shows i’ve been playing lately.

i suggest you get some used cast cymbals, thats what i’m doing now (replacing my zbt’s one at a time, just got the zildjian 21" sweet ride off ebay) check ebay or craigslist, theres usually some good deals.

when i first started buying cymbals i figured more would be better, no matter the quality, but if i could do it over again i would rather have less, but better quality cymbals instead.

Yeah I have no problem buying used equipment as long as it is in good shape. Cymbols are Soooo expensive. Hmm…I’m hoping Darren Phiffer (drummer from Goldfinger) comes back home sometime soon. If he does I’ll ask him to hook me up with someone for a good price. I know his family. Went to school with his nephew and I’m good friends with 2 of his brothers.