drunk halloweiner post from the Cutlass King...bee ohh fuckin bee

Let me guess… You think Pitt would beat Penn St. this year… I have heard it so much this year especially. unfortunately we won’t get the chance to play you in a bowl again cause we will be in a BCS bowl and pitt will be playing in the Helen Keller school for the Blind bowl in Erie.

pitt and penn state would be evenly matched. Pitt could also play on the field with USC…the notre dame game will prove my point… purdue beat ohio state and washington beat USC… Notre dame beat both purdue and washington also mich St and navy… navy almost beat OSU…pitt beat navy… usc barely beat osu and ND… mich lost to mich st and iowa…mich also barely beat ND… iowa also beat psu and mich st… ALL the teams i just listed are VERY evenly matched and the proof is how they played against each other… you can be a typical PSU douche and ignore this info with ur nose in the air but any level headed person will accept my point. if pitt beats up on notre dame it will show where Pitt can be in relation to the big 10 since ND plays a partial big 10 schedule.

It’s a damn shame that they don’t play each other like the old days…

Pitt vs PennState was always one of the biggest games of the year here!!!

I would like them to play regardless of where it is… unfortunately it done’st make $$ sense to PSU cause of the lack of Pitt fans and willingness to pack heinz field. it was pretty pathetic driving past there last weekend and it was like there was a pee wee football game going on inside. should of kept the stadium on campus

they sold 55k plus last weekend… ??? shitty weather and steelers playing the next day hurts pitt. nothing to do in the middle of the state except go to a psu game… too many option in the city so pitt competes against it all. not an excuse but thats the truth. you know damn well that PITT-PSU would sell out heinz thou… pitt WVU is amoung the highest attended events in heinz field history including AFC championships.

um have you ever been at state college on a wed before a game… nothing in town. then come friday its fuckin buzzin all around. people dont go to the penn state games from state college. the come to a penn state game from all around. from pgh from philly from n.jersey from erie from detriot. they come from all around because its penn state. and yes psu/pitt would sell out. but it would have only sold out because of penn state fans.

dont get me wrong bob i hate penn state football. but people that went to penn state are die hard psu fans. and they go back to games no matter where they live. unlike pitt fans.

x2 and im banking on pitt vs wvu i have a hotel in morgantown and have the rates jacked up because of the game ! so far so good !

The AFC championship games aren’t even the highest attendance games at Heinz field. I was at the Highest game last weekend against the Vikings. I was down by Heinz field last weekend when Pitt was playing. basically the whole upper deck was empty.

And yes people come from all around to go to PSU games. you can’t get into State college on a friday night of a game weekend. Pitt fans suck as far as supporting their team goes. I know a select few die hard pitt fans, they were here in Raleigh for the NC state game. but there wasn’t that many.
Your a big Pitt fan there Bob… how many times have you traveled to an away game other than WVU? have you even done that?

i was at heinz too on sunday… but what im saying was that pitt games are in the top 10 and the steelers have hosted play-off games… for pitt to pack in more than some steelers games is pretty good… by the way the record that was broke on sunday was (65,350 set in the AFC Championship Game last year).

Pitt doesnt have the college feel like a college town because its in a big city, i guess alumn dont feel connected enough to care. It def hurts pitt that they are up against a lot more in the Pens, steelers, pirates, high school football…etc… too many ways to spend money and pitt usually gets the short end of the stick.

i am a die hard pitt fan and i’ve had season tickets since 97…and thats what i can afford… i can;t afford to travel all over the country…but yes i have went on the road to see Pitt… i’ve went to UCONN, the continental tire bowl and to south bend to see pitt play. i use my vactation time to go to car events in the summer but pitt still gets my money every fall. i plan on going to either miami or charlotte for possible bowl games.

You can’t use the college town/big city excuse every time this arguement comes up. there are tons of campuses in bigger cities than pittsburgh that pack their house every time they play even if they are playing some lowly D1 team. Pittsburgh is a college town. There are about 45 college campuses with in 50 mile radius of the city. how could it not be a college town? All in all, the blam has to be put on the crappy Alumni and the horrible decision to move to Heinz field and not stick with the old Stadium.
Please don’t ever think that Pitt competes with the pirates for money… the Pirates are an after thought to most people in the city.

yeah i cant do anything about shitty alumni except buy my ticket and i do agree about the heinz field thing because i hate heinz field. three rivers and pitt stadium were torn down for the benifit of few… both were perfect for their purpose. i still have yet to meet someone who loves heinz field for either pitt or the steelers. you could have taken half the money spent on heinz and renovated three rivers and it would still be an awesome football stadium. heinz is really poop.

as far as the pirates…well i would certainly understand it better than most here. the pirates are competing for the money people spend on entertainment… so their competition is anything from the symphony to kennywood. Regardless of the record people still come out to the ball park and they did so often late in the season. I hate the way the team is but i too cant not ignore the facts that people still come for a night at the ball yard. the pirates and pitt split 2 saturdays this year so i would certainly call that direct competition… we offered a discount to those holding a Pitt ticket to entice them on 9/5 to stay late and watch us and on 9/19 to come early and see the buccos.

As long as Joe Pa is coaching PSU you will not see a Pitt vs PSU game during the regular season. When he dies I think there is a very good chance the rivalry will be resurrected. As for the true reason why PSU will not play Pitt a fair 1 for 1 there is a few theories. It could be b/c of $ as discussed earlier, it could be b/c of fear of losing the recruiting battle, it could be b/c of losing to an “inferior” (PSU Smugness) team like Pitt, hell it could be b/c of after getting shut out by Pitt in their last meeting they have no pride left to play Pitt. Whatever the true reason is why PSU/Joe Pa will not play Pitt…the fact is it is PSU is the reason.

With all trash talking aside the annoying thing is in college ball rivalries are ½ the fun for the teams and fans. It is a given if PSU plays at Heinz field the game will be sold out…so does PSU never play a game against a non conference team 1 for 1 unless the other team sells over 100K seats? Sounds like a cop out to me…there is more to it and it is sad that one of the best college rivalries is currently gone for some BS reason.

As for all this PSU is better than Pitt crap…get over it. Both schools have their strengths and both are regarded as very good schools. As for athletics…so far this season it looks like the Big East…yes the Big East is a better conference than the Big Ten this year…so sftu

go WVU

I believe the big 10 will have 2 BCS teams and the Big east HAS to have 1. Pitt will have fun at the Car quest bowl…

ur saying it like the big east is crap… face it the big east is just as good as the other conference that get auto matic bids… if not the sec they are def on the level of the big10 and pac 10 and above the acc. if pitt wins the big east its not outta the relm that a 1 loss cincy get a bcs bid…unlikely at this point but still a lot of football to be played… there is a good chance PSU losses to OSU and they are headed to capital one bowl and will get owned by probably LSU.

There is absolutely no reason for Penn State to play Pitt in a 1 for 1 series. Obviously Penn State can fill the 2nd largest stadium in college football pretty against anyone, while Pitt rarely manages to fill a stadium 60% the size. Hell the Washington Redskins paid $3 million to have Indiana’s home game against PSU played at FedEx field in DC next season.

Little to no recruiting benefit would come from such a matchup, last I checked the 2010 recruit class for PSU is ranked 2nd by Rivals thus far behind only Texas. If anything playing outside of Big10 country is the best bet for helping recruiting.

As for the Big10 Big Least comparison, last I checked the Big10 has more top 25 teams, with 4 on every poll to 3 at best for the Big Least.

Pitt managed to lose to that ACC powerhouse of NC State, clearly showing their superiority over the ACC. Coincidentally NC State managed to get blown out by Duke on the same field 2 weeks later (who knew Duke even had a football team).

Give me a f-n break…that is a cop out and you know it. It is a fact that Joe Pa is a pussy and does not like competition and hand picks candy ass teams. If what you say is a valid reason then why should PSU ever have a FAIR 1 for 1 with a non-conference team? STFU you sound like a typical smug PSU homer.

Little to no recruiting benefit would come from such a matchup, last I checked the 2010 recruit class for PSU is ranked 2nd by Rivals thus far behind only Texas. If anything playing outside of Big10 country is the best bet for helping recruiting.

Just making a point that if there is any risk for PSU to lose ground in the recruiting battle…they will look for any reason to puss out. Anyways I think the reason why PSU pusses out to play Pitt is b/c of their last meeting…being shut out by lowly Pitt must have crushed their ego so much they will look for any excuse to avoid Pitt.

As for the Big10 Big Least comparison, last I checked the Big10 has more top 25 teams, with 4 on every poll to 3 at best for the Big Least.

Do you seriously think OSU deserves to be on the top 25? They are a joke this year and have a joke for a QB. Hey a little refresher Pitt beat Iowa last season…and last time I checked PSU got owned by them two years in a row

id love to see pitt vs penn state. i was 1 of the 61,221 people at the very last pitt vs penn state game in pgh at 3 rivers in 2000, when Pitt defeated Penn State, 12-0. from my understanding, pitt has to go to happy valley twice in exchange for 1 game in pgh.

big deal. do it. win a few years and build the program up to where you can get on a 1 and 1 basis. while they are at it, get rid of the gay ass pitt logo and bring back the old pitt logo. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Vfg_Pt8dnpU/SgCeAyd5aSI/AAAAAAAAAAU/dsBmek_28cI/s400/scriptlogo.jpg

if anyone can find me a hoodie in an x-large w/ the old font id take it. i dont want the new ones you can get from the oakland street vendors. as they are actually smaller font. i have an og hoodie, but it has shrunk some.

3 of 8 teams is 37.5% 4 of 11 is 36.3% big east has a bigger % of its team in the top 25… with 3 less chances to get in

yes pitt lost to NC state in the rain on the road by a TD… duke by the way is 5-3 this year and played teams tough in their losses… NC state is not as bad as its record shows… as is a team like purdue…

i just got a script yellow long sleeve shirt at the team store at the pete… they have several versions of the script hoodie…

The only point you managed to make was that you are a clueless Pitt homer. Is something a fact because you think it in your own mind? Simple fact is Penn State playing Pitt in a 1 for 1 series would in the end bring more money into Pitt while causing PSU to lose money in the deal. The PSU fans that would make the game at Heinz an easy 65k sellout are the same fans that would drive to Penn State to be part of 100k + watching PSU play anyone.

Well for starters OSU easily should be ranked ahead of such teams as USF, WVU, UCONN, and Rutgers, the 3-6 teams in the Big Least (in whatever order). OSU is in a rebuilding year and while inconsistent, can still match up with pretty much anyone in the top 25. A ranking in the upper teens is about right for them at this point.

That joke for a QB is one hell of an athlete, not a great pocket QB by any means, but he still has 2 years to become one. He easily would have been the starting guy at your school if he hadn’t came to his senses. No need to be so bitter your “city school” lost the local star who wanted to go to a city school.