drunk halloweiner post from the Cutlass King...bee ohh fuckin bee

Pitt Homer…all trash talking aside…I guess my point on how college rivalries are a huge part of college football counts as a Pitt homer? STFU you are a typical PSU smug asshole. All I want to see (and a ton of other people) is a 1 for 1 matchup of two teams that are huge rivals…considering every college has to make $ it is perfectly fair for a 1 for 1 matchup…it’s not like Pitt is some small garbage school (i am sure you view it as one…smug) and cannot draw a sellout for the game. But you refuse to see this point b/c you are blinded by your PSU smugness…not sure how you view that as being a Pitt Homer…but whatever didnt expect a down to earth reply from you.

SMUG SMUG SMUG SMUG… you kidding me… Please say it one more time!!! Please please please Say SMUG again… This whole thing was started cause BMOC Bob, had to tell a story how he told 2 PSU fans to Fuck off. I honestly have never seen PSU fans do that to a Pitt Fan… why , because we don’t have a chip on our shoulder and dwell on it. Just like you dwell on Pitt winning the last game against PSU, following what 12 consecutive wins by PSU. You know every blind squirl finds a nut some time.
Pitt is not the Football school that PSU is. it never will be. it really isn’t even a fair comparison. After all PSU has the nations largest Alumni association. 1 to 1 game will never happen. just like they won’t get rid of the BCS, why $$$$$ pitt has none and no way to generate it so why should PSU do Pitt a favor and bring money in for them? thas right my SMUG PSU ass said why should PSU do Pitt a favor? it is Business!
on a side note, i always root for pitt unless it is against PSU. I was at the Pitt NC State game. Were you Mr. Big pitt fan? I support the local team as well as PSU.

Your baseless “facts” about why PSU and Pitt do not play is what makes you a Pitt homer (in addition to pretty much every other post you have ever made in a college football thread on here). What exactly is your point about rivalries? I totally agree they can be great, I loved the days of PSU playing Pitt and WVU as I went to tons of those games from around 1980 on.

However, clearly people are still interested in PSU football without the need for such hyped rivalry games as PSU brings in 70k + just to watch the team scrimmage itself (check attendance for the blue/white game the past number of years) and goes 100K+ against pretty much anyone and 107k+ sellout the majority of the time. So while such a rivalry game would definitely benefit Pitt in increased ticket sales (especially if they only sell the PSU tickets as part of a package of several games as they did in the past) such a game really does not present much, if any, benefit to Penn State while comong at the expense of the revenue from a home game.

Well it is a trait of your typical PSU grad to be smug…and all I do is point it out. Get this whole Penn State is better BS out of your large ego head and realize it is about having a healthy college rivalry…which at one time was one of the biggest in the nation. From a competitive point of view a 1 for 1 is perfectly fair if you are going to have a game every year with so must emotion vested in it. As for the $ thing that is pretty weak…then why make PSU play any out of conference games away? I mean they are soooo superior to most teams they don’t even have the right to have a game in their stadium. The whole PSU needs so many home games to fund their athletic department….well maybe if PSU could compete at the other huge college sport (basketball) then they would not have to rely on their football team to make unfair matchups to fund it. I mean if you believe $ is the issue then I can give you that…but to actually sit there and justify it like it is a valid reason and is right is a joke…just shows how smug you are. I mean come on all I am (and many others) want is a fair 1 for 1 matchup so this rivalry can be reserected…get over how great you think PSU is.

As for the Pitt vs NC game I was on the beach in Punta Cana so I missed that game. I do have season tickets and have yet to miss a home game.

the thread was argument was not started by smugness… go back and read what happened… the arguement was just banter amoungst football rivals, its no different than what a steelers and cleveland fan would say to eachother… the SMUGNESS came from the PSU guys when i offered a truce and admited it wasnt personal just in good fun… thats when he told me “FUCK YOU” and contiuned on about how great PSU was and how they sell out…blah blah… So here i am tryin to do right by the unspoken man code and shake the guys hand and he tell me “fuck you” thats why i made him and his friend look like the little bitches they were. When the push came to shove he didnt have a damn thing to say to my face even with his boy there and me by myself. Granted i coulda just walked away too but the Pitt Pride kicked in and i wasnt gonna bitch out to two people i knew i could take if i had to. it was stupid thou, for all i know they could have had guns and my alcohol induced state could have gotten me killed but i’m not gonna play the “what if” game… it escalated to where it did because of SMUGNESS from PSU fans.

ur right 9 national championship to 2 isnt fair… please follow it up with “they won those so long ago…blah…blah” yes they did win most of those so long ago…the fact is they did win them thou and PSU didnt…

what people forget amoungst the pitt-psu debate is that from 92-06 PSU ended the series with Notre Dame… why? because joPA loves to schedule cup cakes… the 92 game was the one in the snow where bettis caught the winning TD… everytime jopa ends a rivalry he ends up having to eat shit that game…

Actually by your own account it started because of the inferiority complex of a Pitt fan feeling the need to act classless by yelling fuck Penn State out f the blue in the general public. Getting all tommy toughnuts later because of further words in response only confirmed the lack of class at the time (be it due to beer muscles or not).

like any pens fans here wouldnt have said fuck philly or some comment? BS… my lack of class? i went to shake the guys hand and make the peace because its was only about football…he choose to snub my good will gesture at that point.

it didnt start with “fuck Penn state” i may have wrote that in my first post because i was drunk and fired up when i was typing but my initial comment was “P-E-N-N S-T Sucks” if it had been WVU i would have said “go hoooooome mountainqueers” all of which are related to football chants that happen in relation to the football teams.

my only question, how does penn state lose anything playing pitt? obviously at st college, they sell out and get the money. regardless who ever comes to happy valley shit is sold out. so the money is always there. does pitt get a cut of that money too?

same token, psu comes to pitt to play. do they get a cut of the ticket draw?

my understanding is every team gets their home field take. so in psu case, it doesnt matter who they play-- they will sell out regardless.

for pitt, it wouldnt hurt the strength of schedule if they played psu. fuck it, give them the 2-1. if you dont get a cut of the road gross anyway may as well make the game something that is tv worthy so you collect on those royalties.

Look yes you were a little out of line with Fuck Penn State comment (could of left it at a Penn State Sucks)…but at the end of the day it was in good fun…hence the handshake offer. But it is a waste to try and be cool with a lot of PSU kids b/c they always seem to think there is a inferiority complex…but yet deny they are smug…haha ok.

I made my point of how Penn State ended a great rivalry…for whatever reason or reasons. At the end of the day money will be made and fans as well as players will have a great time if the rivalry is resurrected. We will just have to wait till JoePa croaks b/c like a lot of other people I suspect he is a big factor of why the rivalry is no more.

:rofl: at adults getting into arguments about some stupid ass college. grow the fuck up and leave the college bs to the college kids.

All college football sucks, it doesn’t matter if it’s PSU or Pitt.

i am a college student again… :smiley:

Don’t even want to know

old people going back to school doesn’t count.

If someone yells pennstate sucks… I dont give a fuck ! im proud of the school i went to and could care less. In my oppinion Pitt ppl are haters of PSU ppl for whatever reason. But i guess i dont shit talk when it comes to school so maybee some of us are dicks I dunno. I just know what ive been around and thats a bunch of PSU haters. All the psu ppl i know could give 2 shits less about hatin on pitt.

Pennsylvania State University
University of Pittsburgh

yeah but ur one of those people that is like “yeah psu football is great” but then you couldnt tell me one signifcant thing thats goin on in the game other than the score , the quarter and what down… PSU fans can’t name the damn players on the team but a real pitt fan will tell you where they went to high school! like i said i could careless if psu or pitt is a good school, its about football. my hate for wvu is totally different…

im not like the typcial psu football fan just like you are the typical pitt football fan. I could give a shit less where as you care !

they are good entertainment for when im off work. thats about it now real psu football fans can tell u who they are their major n other BS i just dont give a shit

PIcture of you in scooby costume again



mike u just proved my point… u shouldnt be talkin sports.

lol classic.

damn them some ugly hoes