Penn State fans

I’m sorry to say it but Pitt mens BBall > Penn State mens BBall, I’ll even go as far to say that Penn State Womens BBall > Penn State mens BBall.

great pitt education?

hahah im a huge pitt fan, but re read things before u post!

oh really?

PennSt basketball SUCKS!!!
Pitts not even that good this year just OK…but PennSt is awful

yes really, penn state got owned

pitt is good this year, have u been to/seen a game???

3 freshman getting a lot of time for pitt, and they are good, not great, not amazing but they are good! i see them doing decent this year!

didnt pick up on the sarcasm appearantly :ugh:

penn state sucked balls.

whats the big deal? did anyone think that Pitt wasnt gonna win? noone even knows the Penn state has a bball team.


hahah thought u might have been a big penn state fan, but didnt see the game

they are not as good as they were…not now at least.
give them some time & they will get better…maybe even better then previous years.

but being a young team hurts them…they will be OK, but i doubt you’ll seen them in the top 10 or 20.

maybe top30 or so.
& the big east is pretty strong this year as they are every year but i think there are a lot of team that are better or at least better right now., UConn, Villanova, Louisville, Syracuse, Boston & maybe even WV.

as far as their schedule…they have played weak teams…so that 7-0 is not that impressive to me.

we’ll see…i hope they do gel together & mature quickly so we can make a run for the tourneys

even though many hate krauser… his leadership @ the point will help a lot…i just hope he doesn’t get into the mode where he feel he has to take over & win the game, cause that ususally doesn’t work for us.

i totally agree with you, i never would think this year for them to be a top 10 team, maybe just maybe hit 20th…but who knos…

i llike krauser a lot…he just needs to slow down at times! they have some big dudes on that team, i think they will do decent this year

penn state dumps the money into football… they were 7-23 last year in baseketball…if pitt didnt beat them that bad i would have been worried, you cant recruit kids to the middle of pennsylvania to play bball


Pitt’s men’s b-ball team is pretty much all they have or had going for a sports team at that school worth noting in the last 20 years. And even at that, they really haven’t done anything worth noting. What’s the farthest they have even gone in the NCAA tourney?

Anyone that knows Penn State sports knows the mens B-ball team is way down the list of teams that anyone pays much attention to.

Re read what???

saw it live pitt 94 - sucks state 51. Penn state sucks, fuck their greedy athletic director for not playing us in football.

yup, is BC still in the bigeast for hoops or did they move to the ACC yet?

No no, what he said is correct… Penn State’s Womens team is probably better than the Men’s team

BC is out, fuck em. Atlantic cunt conference.