Drunken posting

Are we allowed to do it?

Wasn’t sure to post in OT or in here… so I thought in here… I dunno maybe it should be in OT but I thought before I did anything I would ask…

Eh maybe I should afk sober next time… but yea…

Can we post if we’er drunk or no?

Oh Christ.

LoL shut up let someone else answer I asked the mods and stuff not you lol you can deal with it in IMs damint

Now go to my room

yes you may drunken post … but the submit button is the x in the upper right corner


Depends on how dumb the post is

this is my opinion -

acceptable: (drunk and badly typed, but still a meaningful post)

hey guyz, wre over hre at XXX’s house thrown a party, its still early and anyone that can bring ther own beer is allowed in, theres already like 40 peeps here and room for plenty mores ect ect

unacceptable (totaly pointless, just posted because your wasted and bored)

wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yah, im drrk bitches ! im gettin hammered and yous aint here HA ! shit wow rooms spinnin, is that mean im gone ? insert stupid butsex comment here

So how sad is your life that you must come to an online forum drunk and start typing away?

Christ… sorry

drunken posts = the stupidest thing on a forum


If you are trying to set yourself apart from “that other forum”, then not acting like morons would be a good starting point.

Sorry but you guys usually don’t know if I’m drunk or not in person, let alone behind the Keyboard. The only thing that might give it away it the time of my post.


Drunken posting is ok…but have you guys every posted…ON WEEEEDDD


I WILL delete it if I think it’s stupid. BE forwarned. That means everyone on this forum!

OH NOESSSS!!! Not everyone on THIS FORUM!@#!@!!!

Your so cute when your serious.

Glad I asked before I totally made an ass out of myself.

whats that, if the post is after 10am?

see all 95 posts.

^^ lol

