Drywall (Handfull of Full sheets....some longer pieces)

I have a number of 1/2" pieces of drywall. I believe I have 3-5 full 10 footers, 3-4 half 10 footers, and a dozen “larger” pieces.

Free to the first person to grab it. In my way, no use for it.

It’s going in the trash next week.

Eesh…I’d love these, but have nowhere really to put them…

^ Hence why I also need to move them. They would fill your garage in front of the Esprit nicely :slight_smile:

I could use some! Any way to send me photos of what you have? I’ll pm you my number .

I would love to help you with your drywall problem, but I have discovered that I really hate drywall.
If you need someone to smash them to bits, I have 2 little helpers.

I’m sure someone here needs to drywall a garage or something.

I’ll text you tonight when I get home. Aroud 5:30.

I should have had you over when I demo’d the basement…I’ll let you know next time I need some drywall smashed!!!

Pending give-a-way to Paul B…

All drywall is GONE.

how did i miss this =(