DSM/Junkyard crew chime in!

Hey guys since spring is right around the corner (yeah…right) I thought I’d get started on some stuff I’ve been meaning to do with my car since end of summer. Right now I’m looking for the ashtray insert (preferably black), fog lamp (as long as it works lol), and finally, center caps for the 16 inch stock rims.

If anyone knows places where I can find these OEM parts used/cheap I’d really appreciate, or if you have some of these parts lying around and are willing to sell them, let me know.


I know someone that may have the foglight. I’ll let you know.

I have the center vent & vents if you ever need em. Real cheap!

kinda OT…but why the need to specify both DSM and Junkyard in title? aren’t they one and the same?


i keed…

http://nyspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39244 Buy!

I have yours… I grabbed it from mixmastermike, although it wouldn’t work with the eclipse front bumper.

haha, good work. anyway, you try ebizzle? (ebay)

I think i may be interested in these, i’ll definetly shoot you a PM sometime this weekend about those.


yeah i’ve tried ebay, but the ashtray insert and center caps are proving hard to find =/

i might have the ashtray in black… i gotta check the parts car this weekend though…

sweet, if you could check it out for that i’d really appreciate it

Yeah I know. I think Torque might have them.

yeah man i got it gotta figure out how 2 do a transaction tho cuz i cant use paypal.

Sounds good let me know.