Dual stage boost controller/ drag radials

Anyone have a used dual stage boost controller for sale? I’m also looking for drag radials that are 275/40/17 or something a little smaller for a 17" wheel. I wanted to check here before i order new so PM or post what you have. Thanks!

manual boost controller?

You don’t need a dual stage controller with real tires haha.

I don’t see what’s so funny about me wanting to lower boost in 1st and 2nd? I would like to autoX this year also and it would be nice to have a low boost tune without flashing it with HPT.

So wouldn’t you need some kind of EBCS such as a grimspeed if you want lower boost for first and second? A manual boost controller setup doesn’t seem appropriate for what you just said you wanted to do.

It would be a push button switch that i would hit going into 3rd. ZZP’s lnf boosts 20psi in 1st and 2nd then switches to 28psi for 3rd for the rest of the 1/4 mile and they said it works great.

Something like this http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=dual+stage+boost+controller&hl=en&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=653&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=2606917236425552212&sa=X&ei=jfGET-S8E8fV0QHdw6zvBw&ved=0CHcQ8wIwAg

Why would you want a push botton switch for something like autox? Your hands are going to be busy enough as it is, slaving over that switch seems like a bad idea.

I would just hit it once so it’s on low boost for autox lol. Switching it on the fly would be for drag racing and spirited street driving.

I have an old school Dejon tool one. Never been installed. I’ll sell it really cheap. Say $20. It’s not pretty but will do the trick. You just wire the solenoid to a toggle switch.

