Dubai is FTW

After watching the documentary on Discovery, I knew this place was the shitz.

Take a closer look, and you WILL shit your pants.:wink:
Difference is 13 years!

Geez… This place is ridiculous.

Projected Goals

  • Worlds tallest building
  • World’s only 7-Star hotel
  • World’s largest amusement park (TWOx Disneyland Orlando)
  • +more

dubai is the rich’s playing ground…everything over there is insane. Exotic cars are anything bad exotic there…

Dubai is insane my gf lived there…

you guys have to watch that!

as the guy stated…what in monkey balls is going on over ther!!! lol

damn…i just finished watching that video.

different color car for each day??

a globe motor home??

thats some crazy stuff

ya that place is nuts. watch a few episods on the discovery channel. making that crazy hotel and some other stuff. wish i was that rich!

itd be nice to be born into a fam like that

wow! cant beleive i just watched that whole vid. pretty interesting. but damn rich middle east ppl. would be nice.

I’m glad you guys liked it:) :slight_smile:

lol i cant believe i watched the whole thing too its fraking crazy shit they got back there, better start playing the lottery my only chance…:{

/… and this is what happens to all those nice cars they have. here to see Video

Sadly, we ALL have the wrong friends right now. TNC meet in Dubai?:smiley:

well at least they have a back-up car.

a Enzo maybe? Or Carrera Gt? damn!

yeah its bloody expensive there… i went there a few years back to shop and came hoem with a huge overdraft balance and maxed out crdit accounts. also theyre building a sick ass resort called the palm jamera… this resort is ****n sick!

yupp true say, this place is the best of the best. thanks to the amount of oil thats sitting in the dirt of that country…its all about the oil

and yeah they’re building the worlds TALLEST building…almost 2 times LARGER than the CN tower, and its not a structure liike CN, its an actual building…they already starting building it too.

heres a link to that building…

Dubai is a crazy place… unfortunately, they end up with a lot of exotic cars that end up being crashed. My co-worker told me once that he saw a guy driving his mercedes benz on the highway, doing about 140km/h WHILE READING HIS NEWSPAPER! lol

^^that’s… actually a scary thought

not the only place…theres tonnes of ppl here that do stupid things like that while driving…ive seen someone reading a novel! lol…and of course all the women putting on their make-up while driving…etc. etc.