dvd making program.

I want to create my own dvd’s with my own music and sound effects and stuff. what is the best or decent program to use?

and the final question is where can i get it for free.lol.

Nero 7 is awesome for that, converts on the fly to vob files. You may have to edit the file using Pinnacle Studio 9 or at least that is how I do it.

I can prolly zip it and ftp it to you if you want.

right now i use nero 6.3. but if 7.0 is better then i will switch.

yeah can you ftp itto me i would appreciate it.


With this program, can you make your own title page and chapters? I have a 23 gigs of Top Gear that I want to burn to DVD. I want to do each season on 1 DVD. I would like to have each episode be a chapter so that If I wanted, I could put in season 2 and it would play right through all 11 episodes or I could go to the chapter part and pick out each individual episode. Is this possible with this program?