E39 M5 Bumpers and other parts you may have

Looking for some rep bumpers for my 530. Plain and simple i know someone had a set on CL awhile back and i wanted to buy them to have one day… and of course today i pick up another e39… sigh anyone?

Also looking for some:
all weather mats
roof rack
underbelly pan

if you got any e39 parts laying around post it up i may just start stockpiling again…

I have tons of crap, not sure if you need any of it. Stop by sometime and you can look at my piles.

MIGHT have the underbelly pan, will have to look.

Let me know either way, i may have to come dig around once the god damn rain stops and i can start messing with it. Got any sets of wheels for sale?

Scott on here has some m parallels. Decent shape and a good price.

I have m5 bumpers on my 540i I have for sale, if your cars black maybe we can make a deal.

Unfortuanlty well not really unfortunately its Topaz Blue Metallic :smiley: … Wish we could make a deal!

http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1991711 guy is parting out 3 e39’s.

I contacted him, he already sold the 03 mtech bumpers and no tan interior parts. sigh thanks tho


I would be willing to part with one of my sets of wheels. Shoot me a text if you’re interested.