e85 and carb

for what it’s worth you can buy methanol for about 2.50 per gallon and there are probably more places to get that than e85.

If you want to run alky you can either get an alky carb or go to a mechanical fuel injection like a hilborn, enderle, or kinsler. They are high dollar and not real street friendly but as a plus you don’t have to buy an intake manifold.

Running E85 just to run it doesn’t make any sense. If you build a car to take advantage of the higher octane that is fine but in a regular car it doesn’t gain you much. but until E85 stations are more common it doesn’t make sense to me to build a car around running on E85.

I can run my DSM on any octane, but I can run a hell of a lot more boost on E85 than I can on 93. It cools the intake charge with more fuel and bumps me to 100 octane. No real downside except the reduced mileage, but that’s a small price to pay to run a racegas tune on a DD.

yea i understand the benifits to a boosted motor and e85 but we are talking about a n/a motor with low compression which would not be benificial to run e85. you will get 30% less mpg, no power advangages, plus the money to convert the carb

In that case, advancing timing a bit is about the only possible gain, plus you can help save the earth from terrible people that drive gas guzzling SUVs!

i didnt know anything about e85 except high octane and low price same with race fuel except the price till now…now in the article it never stated any hazards or timing or buying new parts to convert from regular gas, i was suspicious about just pulling up to a pump and dumping it in and driving away though.to the average person like me who knows enough to get by and not much more about this they could get screwed really easy.

I though I had read somewhere thaty need to run all stainless lins to run E85. THat over time even steel lines will break down. Same with fuel tank, and aluminium bodied carbs.

I had thought about converting my old truck to take advatage of the lower price, but then if you figure in the 20+ mile drive to ge it, nd the lower MPG, I’m better of buying good 'ol 87.

I’m also considering switching from 93 to E85 next year.