E85 as race fuel?

does anyone know or heard anything about making big power on E85?

hope this helps.

yes,im trying it!

mighty mouse is going to try it…he is running a turbo ls1

I am going to use it as well, it suddenly makes 1600 cc injectors very streetable!

Curt Brown is running it.

there is only one station that supplys E85 in the Pittsburgh area…its northwest of pittsburgh i believe…

but its a good fuel…its 105 octane if i recall right…makes big power and is pretty fuel efficient

Sheetz carries E85. I think the one in Pleasant Hills has it and I know the one in Monroeville has it.

Fucking corn gas.


Also it makes gas. Its kinda like streetable methanol except different but the same if ya’ll mean.

I may be making my Honda E85 fuel safe…

pleasant hill has it.definatly

the plant next to sony’s going make e85 or bio diesel

E85 and another methanol product for military use from what I understand.


i hear about ALOT of 500hp+ drag neons running E85 and doing quite well…
but i have no idea how you have to run the car to do that…

if you look into it i bet its a good idea

Don’t you all think this e85 is just another “corn-a-hol” of the 70’s? Oil prices will come back down a little and then the e85 will be gone, or am I wrong?

not really sure about neons but i read in super chevy that if you have a carb to richen the fuel mixture and have the right gas tank and lines installed and your in. from what i understand e85 will cause corosion in the tank and lines if you dont change them.

E85 is the best thing to come along for us speed freaks in years. It’s like getting race gas and paying less.

No matter what type of car you want to run it in, you must increase the fuel to air ratio about 30%. It is true about the corrosion problems, but as parts go bad you just replace them with stainless. The big benefit is: you can run as high as 13:1 compression with no pinging and make big power.

From what I understand, SHEETZ has three stations in Pittsburgh with E85 availability. Robinson, Monroeville, and Whitehall with supposedly more to come if it sells.

not that this is true or fact but sheetz at the intersection of 119 and 982 have been doing alot of underground work and i was thinking that maybe they were adding an e85 pump.

Thats at the 119 and 982 intersections. They also have e-85 at the station in plesant hills( I think thats the town) Just down 51 from Century 3 mall…