Earl's to Re-Open Thursday Morning

It’s been closed for months, but Chaffee’s beloved home for pies and fruit jar drinks will reopen Thursday morning at 11.

Earl Northrup tells 2 On Your Side he’s finishing preparations for his big reopening today. Last fall, he closed his landmark eatery to travel and enjoy retirement. But Earl said he got bored and couldn’t stand to be away from his restaurant.

Earl’s first opened on Route 16 in Chaffee back in 1956.

yummy, did some one say pie?

Is that the place that has cowboy boots on the legs of their tables?

Good stuff
Brings back some memories

Hopefully he starts to groom someone else to take over. One of the articles I read said he now plans to retire at 75 which is less than 2 years from now.

Any place that has boots on the legs of the table, drinks in a jar and inexpensive food is fine by me.

Any word on what happened to him donating the land to Houghton College?


Best strawberry pie ever.

never been :gotme:

i know i should go

let me have it

broasted chicken and mashed potatoes for the mother fucking heart attack yall!


who’s up for a meet?

Pizza burger for the win


Do I ever hate the Arcade area… But if the food is worth, I will go.

best real food You’ll find for the price. and, the atmosphere is kinda… neat?


i will be heading out for practice in holland if you want to go, then we can get a bite to eat.

yea, what time are you taking off?

what time?? I gotta mow the lawn when I get home.

cinnamon buns the size of pizzas

omg i love earls!!!

Give me a call, i will be at the track from 530-730 shaking down the car.