Early Morning Check-in

4:30 am, we have an exercise going on and i’m working 6 to 6 over night. It blows! Anyone else have a shitty shift?

been up since 4, studying for mid-terms test at 10.

7p-7a for this week. Just about ready to bounce home.

at my desk at work. gotta find something to charge to today.

8-4 :frowning:

so hay guys


sitting at my desk :frowning:

At work here in my monkey suit, got an interview for new department at 11:00.

i’m sitting at work in a soccer jersey and a baseball hat… free coffee and muffin wednesdays ftw lol

working 8-5 today then i have to come in tonight at 10pm and work untill our project is finished probably around 6am, then just because i love overtime pay , i will go sleep in my van untill 9am or so, and then come back to work untill 5pm

work 5 days a week 9:30-6. I like it but never can really do anything after work.

slide tackle the secretary

:rofl: you can be like office linebacker Terry Tate.

in mesh shorts? no doubt


lol and lol @ mesh shorts.

instead i went outside for 2 hours and played frisbee… lol

thats some hippie shit there

obviously you’ve never met the rest of Sonnys family :hahano:
