Early Morning!!! holla

oh man, i am at work early!

can’t make a habit out of this

ive been up since 5am and recently found out nothing setup for today


taking g moneys lil brother to RMU today so I had to come in a lil early to keep up with my work… oh boy

in,like always,to bad shag cant,or sam fuck or anyone else here!:doh:

all you have to do is roll out of bed and roll down the steps and yoru there. its not like you need to roll race anyone on your way there

get up shower,walk dog,go to sheetz,etc!

my commute sucks, its so close yet so much damn traffic in the mornings

im here alone today… Jim is off!


holla! (not as early as you though!!!)

Just got in to work. My boss has been out for a week b/c of surgery. Now I just learned she developed pulminary embalisms and pnumonia. I am praying for her, and I hope she pulls through ok!

:Ugh: Whitey, 7:17??? ouch

8am is plenty early for me. how bout you Jen?

booya … roll in at 8:20 … :bigok:

Wanted to try and come in early today, got here at 7:58, two minutes early. :smiley:

I have to work at JC’s the next four nights too… I’m going to be SO worn out by Saturday. Oh well, it’s $$$.

start at 8:30 - usually get to work around now (8:55) :bigthumb:

Been here since 5:30am…

But on a good day I’m out of here at 2:30p!!!
(But those days are few and far between)

fat tuesday bishes!!!

roll outa bed at 8:30 and out the door to work for 9

i get up at 6:45 and am at work by 8, but i also have Parkway traffic to fight

ahhhhh, I just woke up. Usually if I said this at this time it would be from a cat-nap at my desk though. But I took the day off to get some teeth pulled :frowning: