Ebay of the day


“I only drove the car 9 miles since I’ve owned it”


“Car Runs Excellent and Sounds Great, not to Ricey”:bloated:

“but it now” price

Meh, I can believe he only drove it 9 miles. A lot of show-purpose cars rarely ever get driven. Besides, who the hell would want to be seen in that thing on the road :bloated:

P.S. Those tail lights. Yeah. Really bad. Really really bad.

the rear end of the car kinda looks like the bloated smiley… :bloated:

so im glad he knows the turbo pulls really hard… that must have been a really quick pull in 9 miles…

makes alot of sense:smash2:

that is the worst use of RSX tail’s i’ve ever witnessed

Omg the tailights, my eyeezzzz NOOOOOooo!OO!O!O!!!

eh, it wouldnt be so bad

if it was on fire…

What the hell is in place of the center column?



I’d rock the El Camino though:headbang:

im suprise thoes exhaust tips dont melt his tail lights

How could they in 9 miles?

hydrolic(spelling) controls… and he said it wasnt ricey