ebay sucks

i just missed a bid on a much needed part by 2 mins!!! :crying:

i needed a Unorthodox underdrive pulley… since my fan belt is going bad and instead of replacing the belt then pulling it right back off when i got the UR underdrive pulley i was planning on getting the pulley first… which comes with belts…

went on ebay for 137 and it was brand new in the box…

and they go for 219 brand new :frowning:
im sooo pissed! :rant:

You’re just not sly enough… i hope that doenst happen to me… i’m gonna be bidding on a distributor sometime soon… and if i dont it, i’m fucked… my car sputters around like crazy, gettin ready to just quit firing … better get that opti soon


maybe that can help you

ebay > you

if i’m reading this correctly you’re upset you didn’t win something brand new that retails for 220 for 140… i’m not surprised.


i was waiting for someone to pick up on that

no ebay doesnt suck,



real ebayers don’t lose auctions at the end like that. Ask fshowcars for help, he is the master.


me > you at ebay… never lost an auction i was really interested in


bust out the yearly statements and lets prove it.

:down: :frowning:

what buying…or what? lost auctions?

learn to snipe shit and your better off! and never leave the comp in the last minute… keep clicking refresh and bid last 20 seconds of auction

:frowning: this sucks

it’s only an $80 difference. If you needed it that bad, you’d buy it.