Eclipse and My old black mesh rims


:Idiots :gtfo

:thumbup :blahblah

hooked on 240:

your story just is not adding up

  1. if the car is stolen then they take the car and you go to jail

  2. the car is not stolen and you and the car go off into the sun set

neither happned they took the car and let you go.
why did they take the car?

we run vins all the time…

who is 'WE"

the police dept i work for.

so dose it make any sence that they took the car and not him?

if it’s reported stolen, and they checked with the originator to make sure it is still considered a stolen vehicle, then yes they will impound the car.

as far as not taking him into custody, that’s a bit weird. they might not need to have fully processed him on it, and the apperance ticket was just fine. idk, i wasnt there.

just so people know, when you recieve a ticket, you are in a sense arrested. they put all tickets in the arrest book with its own individual number. however, you aren’t brought down to the station and booked over it.

You can not issue temp tags for a stolen vehicle. You need a title and the dmv has to process the vin before said plates are issue

Since this is now everyones bussnies and i have to keep writing shit to not make myself look like a :retardclap…

i left out that part of our agreement (bc i wanted the car and i wasnt driving back to boston again) was to get temp tags for 30 days bc he had misplaced the title. The temp tags were on the car from him in case people wanted to test drive it. He only has one dealer plate and that was 1 1/2 away on his wifes car. They were one day old, and i made the agreement to have the tags as long as i get the title in the same amount of time. Just got back from the D.A. both her and my dad think hes trying to get insurance money or something outta the deal. funny thing is he would only get a couple hundred more. not to mention he has to pay the towing company for the tow and storage. cuz i for one am not paying that. So in a sence its kinda my fault i didnt get the title there. i guess im just to trustworthy of people.

They “detained” (handcuffed) me in the back of a rotterdam suv for about 15 minutes. and both of us going back and forth with information. He let me go, and kept my licence and all the documents i had given him about the car. and then we talked step by step the way i bought it. he called the supervisor and i was let go. Im actually leaving shortly to goto find out whats what with the PD. When i talked to the D.A she said i might not get the car back for a while, depending on how long this goes. If i wanted to avoid this whole thing, i could get my money back from the car since i have a recipt saying i paid the amount, both of us signed and dated. and its one of his dealership forms, and he gets the car.

what is with you and buying cars without titles, why didnt u learn with the eclipse?

ya the laser was in a differnt boat. the first time i went there to look at it. i saw it. then when i went to pick it up the last time, (well you know y :rofl). it was at the mothers house, and it was the sons car. ever since i told him i wanted to buy, he never picked up his phone/ansered an email from teh day i was there to pick it up. then my friend has a 91 eclipse parts car, i was thinking abuot it. but its not worth it if i ever get caught for a 200 beater. :lol

now who reported it stolen? since its from a dealer, the title would have to be transfered into the dealerships name inorder for them to sell the car because illigal to jump titles, you can lose your dealer license for doing so… SO if you bought the car from the dealer, that means it was in the dealers name and he woul have to be the one reporting it stolen… If it was reported stolen prior to him recieving the car… he would have foundout when he went to flip the title. Secondly, since you bought the car out of state, it would have out of state temp tags on it wich are very different from in state temps. You said you have a “reciept” for the temp tags, so if you have a reciept for them, why would there be out of state temps on the car just so people can test drive it?

your not getting the point. The tags were on it for anyone to just test drive it since his only dealer plate was not assessable at the time. I made the agreement since he had lost the title or w.e… that i keep the tags on the car so i can drive it home. and then wait for the title to come in the mail. All iknow is > it had temp tags when i bought it. and i drove it home w/o a title. i dont know how he obtained it or anything, dont make me look like an asshole on here bc you were and cop and you know it all. i obviously dont know it all and telling you what happened to me and the car, which is kind bs, bc i should have to explain myself if you or anyone on this forum wasnt there nor had anything to di with it. All im doing is putting down what i know happened so i dont look like a retard.

Didnt i just say that he (the dealer) reported it?

Im not claiming i know it all… but what i do know, is enough to know the story sounds like BS… I know enough from being a cop, plus my father owning a dealership (Parkway Motors) that none of it adds up.

P.S. its also illigal for a dealer to issue temp tags to a car that they still own, just for test drives. So from what youre saying, the guy did all this for insurance reasons, on a car that is no newer than 15 years old… Meaning in insurance terms its not worth shit… Thats an awefully long paper trail from the dealer to commit insurance fraud… Between your reciept for the car, your reciept for the temp tags… the temp tags being in his name apparently… Wow

Dont get assbent if i dont believe it, like you said, its your story that happned to you, nobody else was there, so why do you care if anyone else believes it. And if you didnt want people all up in your shit to begin with, you wouldnt have posted it on an internet forum.

wow this shit is comical…
On another note i may be interested in the eclipse wheels.
How much?

How did I miss this thread!!