Edmonton Z Car Club Annual Show n' Shine - Sat, June 17th!

Upcoming Show Details:

12th Annual Show and Shine
when: Saturday, June 17th 2006
12:00 to 4:00pm
where: Bonnie Doon Mall
Southeast Corner off 83st.
Note: alternate rain date June 24

Registration starts at 11:00am ($20 per car)
Proceeds to the Rainbow Society
All Datsun/Nissan/Infiniti models welcome
Participants Choice trophies.
Custom dash plaques for first 40 registered participants.
Lots of door prizes and raffles!

For further information contact
John at 439-4890
or Doug at 419-6175

Hope to see many cars there, and a good showing from NECC this year!

Jason Kelly
VP - Edmonton Z Car Club

(PS - moderators, if you don’t mind, could you sticky this post for the next week or so?)

I’m surpised… Since Renault ownes 44.4% of nissans you would not be inviting them out. :?

Show me the way to the local Renault dealer and I’d be happy to hand out some posters. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well ok… If i do have my Renault ready for this will I be welcome?

Uhhh… I guess so. The reason I didn’t mention Renaults is because I didn’t realize there were even any here.

Rain out???

Nope. I got official word this morning. We are a GO!!!

Hope to see you guys there.