EG's Represent

No body likes the custom truck short shifter - wtf??? Fastline sells them for $150, and I made mine for about $15 (had to buy another stock shifter off ebay). Someone else has the Fastline one - is it redrum? It is soooo comfy.

isnt ur shifting slow as hell tho?? i just assumed that someone who raced would like a shorter throw.

It IS a shorter throw. I can’t find a pic of the comparison, as their website is down right now. Lets put it this way: A stock shifter is 10" from the ball(pivot point) to the tip, and 2" from the ball to the shift rod. My shifter is about 18" on the top and @4.5" on the bottom. So, for those of you that are math challanged, stock shifter = 10/2, or 5:1, and mine is 18/4.5, or 4:1, which ultimately yields a shorter throw. Plus the handle is right next to the steering wheel, which means less time with my hands off the wheel. I know it looks wierd, but it works very well. I had an ebay short shifter and it was uncomfortable to have to reach down so far. Now I can just lean back and enjoy it.

gotcha, thats cool then, if it is actually a shorter throw then i feel like that would be really comfy. ive never driven a civic daily so idunno how it would feel to have the shifter really low but it seems somewhat inconvenient

no wayz. dat shit needz to be rite next to da exhaust to be funksional and sweet.

i <3 that fastline joint

zerodaze old car??? damn I need to find me a clean 5 sp eg and get rid of my autotragic ef hatch