Electornic Gurus

well i am looking for a new camara to take overseas. and i looking for some input

  1. i want it to be small cause i will be working :rofl:
  2. good pictures
  3. durable
  4. also somewhere i can get the memory cards cheap

also i dont care about what type of memory it uses…but i do have SD memory…so its up for grabs if i get something else…64 and a 128 sticks

also i have a kodak easy share 6340 which the lcd broke and its out of warrenty. since the lcd broke the camera will not even turn on.no crack or anything just the heat from it sitting in the car at daytona beach did it so maybe someone can help me write a letter to kodak staing i was gone for the militart and it broke so i couldn’t send it back in …blah blah blah