best point and shoot

Not for me for my girl she needs a new small camera so she doesn’t need a camera bag and shit like with her dslr. So what’s out there been looking for a lil bit but still not sure and im seeing her tomorrow so I need to get it asap since her bday is today. Lol

They rate gagets all the time buddy you will find good advice here/

I picked up a Kodak M1033 for this exact reason, so I dont have to lug around my D40 and all its lenses.

It’s 10 MP, got a damn big screen and can shoot 720 HD video. I’ve got an 8 gig card in mine and have taken 30 min videos, which is about a gig and a half.

It’s been through hell and back since I’ve been at college, and it’s held up pretty damn well.

buy whatever cannon you can afford.

Yea prob cannon

holy fuck your still alive! WTF where have you been???111

Lol workin A LOT…

Canon, Nikon are my favorites. The only credentials I have, I worked in a photo lab for 3+ years lol. I have had very good luck with my Samsung also.