Help me pick a DSLR

I posted on buffalo f/stop but that site has been kinda dead lately…

Last month my cannon A560 was stolen so now I have a reason to buy a dslr.

My budget is around 200; 240 max.

Olympus E-500 Evolt 8.0mp DSLR Camera w/ Lens + Extra


Canon EOS Rebel XTi 400D DSLR with EF-S 18-55 Kit Lens

PENTAX isD DSLR w/h 55mm 3.5-5.6 Camera Lens System

Nikon and Canon are heavily favored by most photographers.

That’s not to say the others are not good cameras, but you’ll probably find cheaper lenses for the nikon/canon due to the amount of people that own them.

I have a D80 that I really like, but it’s really the only dslr I’ve ever used, so it’s not a great opinion.

go nikon.
i found out the hard way after having a grand sunk into another brand and then they didnt have the options i wanted/needed.

I love my D40

If you’re talking about Canon, I’m curious to know what options they couldn’t offer that Nikon can.

pretty sure he had a sony DSLR before his nikon


was shooting with a Sony A200
currently shooting with a D80

how you liking the 80?

lol whenever i see QFT, i first think of quit f***ing talking

loving the D80 SOOOO much.
right now only have the 1.8 50mm lens for it. looking around though to see if i can find a 18-70 as well.

my 18-70 started acting up on me a week or so ago, it only zooms from 23mm - about 50mm now…sometimes it will go out to 70

still focuses fine…something must have gotten inside it who knows :frowning:

that blows. looks like its a pretty common problem though and only takes about 20min to fix:


haha yea i just started looking up the same thing and i guess it is pretty common, loose screw…well time to dive into it after work today lol

---------- Post added at 04:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:08 PM ----------

wow i just fixed it in about 5 mins, found an easier way to do it…sooo simple

my 18-70 works like new again :slight_smile:

---------- Post added at 04:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 PM ----------

wow i just fixed it in about 5 mins, found an easier way to do it…sooo simple

my 18-70 works like new again :slight_smile:

Soooooo back on topic, lol, any of those worth getting?

sorry about that

personally if your going to get a nikon, i wouldn’t get one without an internal focus motor, which i think the d50 lacks…

The Canon XTi is a great starter DSLR. If you have a little bit more money, I’d also take a look at the Canon Rebel XS or XSi, they’re newer technology and aren’t all that much more.

so that means it doesnt have auto focus?

it means that it will NOT auto focus all lenses. you can then only buy certain lenses that will auto focus.

honestly man, they probably all take better pictures than you are capable of composing.

As an FYI, micah shoots (or at least used to) a d50. Probably the majority of his work posted here was shot with a d50. I think that basically speaks for itself on the capability and potential picture quality of the Nikon d50.

exactly. I just want something decent that I can stick with for a while. I want to be able to take a photography class or two and still be ok. After taking b&w with a 35mm camera last semester it feels weird using a point and shoot.

how about this one?

whats this mean?

i think IS is canon’s version of VR, image stabilization? could be wrong i’m a nikon guy