
I got a Tickle Me Elmo from the Fisher Price store a week ago and its awesome. Found some clips that are pretty recent and he is hilarious still and I am 23.

I love him as a kid and still laughed now.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY_sl1R3KJQ&feature=related <— guy who does Elmo is there. Pretty funny watching a 6’ 5" black guy with a lower voice do elmo. I think he is the 2nd or 3rd person to do it tho if I remember correctly.

Should have pm’d me…I work there and get the FP discount.

Thanks but the company I work for is a contractor and got the discount. The TMX Elmo’s are on sale too so there wasn’t a discount on them. I did get a Kung Fu Panda for my girlfriend and got the sweet discount on that.

TMX Elmo for < $10 was a steal. I wish I can bring this thing to bars and use it to meet girls.

I have one too :gay: my parents gave it to me when they were huge a few years ago. I think they wanted me to resell it, but i kept it.

This thread title should read

Fags step in we all have elmo dolls.

oh you have one too don’t lie!

3 :hay:


All covered in Apple stickers sitting next to your iPhone and MacBook Pro thats your “girlfriend’s”?

i only put those stickers on his private places.