Email Law

:lol: I have to give her credit for the facebook thing. Talk about adapting to kids and their stupidity of putting all aspects of their life in the public domain.

I’m going to make an attempt to talk her out of being a total bitch… and if not… I’ll probably just print out her emails and her articles, and post them on the doors off all the parties she breaks up, with her email address and actual address

should make the facebook parties private events…

that might be illegal.

what is illegal about it?

Addresses are public… emails and public blogs… I don’t see anything wrong with it.

Nope, she sent it too him in personal Email:

“The recipient of e-mail is generally free to share the information in the e-mail with anyone, subject to legal obligations that are mentioned later in this paper”

would you want someone posting your phone number and address and email around town? Those are all public…

I personally wouldn’t, but she shouldn’t be shit bagging all the other owners in the area, and all the other kids in the area.


She has in the past posted addresses of the owners of these properties

i went to that page, and the first article about people making 100k+ and not living in the area made sense. but i can just feel her bitchiness reeking off of that site. she needs a cat or at least a job

she needs to learn how to spell:
“There were many good suggestions from the audience on how to reduce costs without raising fairs.”

and posting her name and address probably isnt illegal if its on her website or some public place. or if you do it anonymously then you wont get caught. lol

I will do nothing to her, no threats… no harassment… no nothing.

Just informing the people who make the complaints. If she is going to publicly announce what she is doing… then others should know

every night tape a piece of paper to her mailbox that says MOVE

“Outdoor sex” Could you atleast keep it inside ? LOL Ugh this is shitty though


Notice Regarding Confidentiality of Transmission ----This message is intended only for the person to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this communication is prohibited. Please notify us of the error in communication by return e-mail and destroy all copies of this communication.

that little statement has saved my ass before

I thought that message didn’t mean shit?

again… Or so I have heard :frowning:

If anything happens to her as a result you may be held liable.

I don’t understand why I would be liable… I’m showing public information, and linking the pieces together so others don’t have to

If you’re inciting others to take action against this individual you could be liable for any damages they inflict.

I’m willing to take that kind of risk she has pissed me off too much

Well I suppose if you wrote something tactful like

If you are having a party please be aware of THIS LADY who lives at THIS ADDRESS. She dislikes loud people…blah blah blah. You can email her here if you have any questions on what is acceptable.