
theres like no emoticons that work on this site, unless its me. I went to a site that listed all the puntuations for them and only about 10% of them work. I copied an pasted them just the way they were on the other site I went to.

not that this is a big deal at all just wondering if anyone or a moderator might know more about what I mean?

dude, I have no idea what you just said… haha


click here


then go down to the very bottom at the second to last choice thing and put it on “advanced interface”

bird brains kramer knows! :ninja thanks dude

why do all your posts start in one of the for sale sections?

This is one reason I put the :facepalm

:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap = Z28LT1Rocket

Its everything else FOR SALE, not the retard babble section.

fuck you and your 24" hood cowl :lol

because he’s a manwhore on the side and this is a subtle advertisement.

you almost postfail as bad as dom (skateshelter)

I dint realize it was in the for sale section what fucktard I am:lol my bad again again again again!



have you ever looked into some sort of schooling or education?


Hey you guys got them emoticons??

haha… get off shift dudddde, joeys gettin rowdy

He was home schooled and the teacher touched him inappropriately.

Im just in disbelief with peoples rude comments!:rofl


where is there a hood around here?