empty front clip

i got a empty s13 front clip sitting on my driveway

still has rhd dash w/ glove box and all that shit, carpet, steering column, pedals, clutch master, brake booster

if anyone wants it for a new front end 50$

i know a couple guys who welded on complete frnt ends already so hop onto this if you need new rad supports or strut towers

half dozen guys and a pickup truck should be able to pick it up

I will pick it up sat or sun if you can wait that long. I have a truck to pick it up.

yeah just drop me a pm the night before, first come first serve pretty much gets it

Alright. If Sunday afternoon works. I will be there.

S13 counterpart are you using the heatercore from it?

Do you need the whole box or just the heater core ? I have another one but I smashed the outside but the coil should still be good.

gimme le dash…plz

NoOooOOoOoOooooo…the dash must stay…

i could use a glove box… is the carpet black? i need BMC as well…

i need a daash to flocK!

I need the dash period lol, also…is the steering rack in it?..if not I forfeit the dash

you have a 180 or silva? planning on driving it with in the next month?

my dash will be out by then…

these are the only parts that still remain, along with a cut up wiring harness

i have the steering rack and / or the cross member for sale separately

Cyprian wants to know how much for the Steering column and rack

is the dash good? like no nicks or shit

chris u can have mine

Only need the core. is the one you have still in good shape?