~~**End Of The Summer Twizted Bash**~~

cmon fags… be there!


i might bring it. but i am the only one riding it.


come on Newman don’t hate! there are is going to be one person not completely off the hinge drunk there. me!

maybe i can get pass out drunk so u can scream at me again while iam asleep


come on Newman don’t hate! there are is going to be one person not completely off the hinge drunk there. me!


and me because I have to be to work at 6am sunday…so I’ll get semi-hammered early woooot lol.


Yo what do you want me to bring? I’ll bring a case…anything else?

a) how deep is the pond?
b) are there a lot of weeds/plants in it?

weeds and plants are around the edge and id say it about 8-10 feet in the middle now with the dry summer

i will not be there

why not puss

i work till 9:30

I Have been looking for more couches to burn and ride. oh man i can’t wait i am gonna try to be the drunkest i have ever been.

[quote=“Bsp TC,post:71,topic:33049"”]

i work till 9:30


ill see u @ 10;00 then. u will have 2 hrs of drunkness to endulge in


That hardly looks safe, lol, good luck

looks as if it’s at a perfect angle to dump someone onto the hood on the way down. Just make a reservation with an ambulance.

i’m just saying. god damn, that jump’s just a little too steep from the looks, i have a horrible feeling about this

holy shit man that jump looks crazy. i am impressed good job. did you guys attempt any trial runs yet


that jump’s just a little too steep. Just make a reservation with an ambulance.



what? how is it too steep… the man is gonna do a backflip he at least some kick to it… and it doesn;t look like the SUV is going anywhere… he’s gonna be hitting it rather quickly too… so there is no reason to think he is gonna hurt himself or hit the truck…

I could probably get good distance on a bmx bike and be fine…

he is going to have to be going REALLY fast and is going to go REALLY high in order to make it into the deep part of the pond.