~~**End Of The Summer Twizted Bash**~~


That hardly looks safe, lol, good luck


in b4 someone beaks a leg


Its solid. Just look at whats its leaning on, were the hell is it gunna go
He plans on hitting it at 40, so he should get some distance

the pond does look weak sauce though… oh well not myself thats going to die and/or at least im not the one jumping in to save this guy when hes hurt… but brian i will be there

I have some of thouse excaliber morter shells. ther bad ass


jesus christ that jump is insane…

shitty im gonna miss it

nvm im not going… i like the parties with chicks

just fixed the dd…taking a shower and stoppin over…

any pics of the outcome?


any pics of the outcome?


just picture a gangbang without the chick and thats the party


just picture a gangbang without the chick and thats the party


Not really

Was working all night, how was it? Anyone dead? JEG maybe?


Was working all night, how was it? Anyone dead? JEG maybe?


Stop with the wishful thinking…

jeg and some other lost some $ in pool… and it def was not a sausage fest fags… newman tore it up hard in my pond…it was great!

Yeah it was an awsome party :tup:. I got to bed at 4am and was up at 6 for work lol. I’m sooo fucking tired, but it was worth it. We need a rematch in pool. I suck when I’ve been drinking…next time I’m playing sober ;).

Hey Brian, did you end up hookin up with that girl you were walking to her car when I was leaving? She had that “I want twizted’s cock” look on her face…you know…like the one Skunk always has lol.

where are the vids?


Yeah it was an awsome party :tup:. I got to bed at 4am and was up at 6 for work lol. I’m sooo fucking tired, but it was worth it. We need a rematch in pool. I suck when I’ve been drinking…next time I’m playing sober ;).

Hey Brian, did you end up hookin up with that girl you were walking to her car when I was leaving? She had that “I want twizted’s cock” look on her face…you know…like the one Skunk always has lol.


Two things

  1. Brian has a GF
  2. She reads this board.



Two things

  1. Brian has a GF
  2. She reads this board.



hahaha thats great

hahaha Brian > :rubicant: < Jeg