Yes once again only this time its a bonfire bash out side. party is for twizteds b-day and juans 30th.
BYOB and bring fire wood if your feeling kind.
so once again its for Juans 30th and 4 mine.
everyJuan is welcome worthy cars can be parked on the front lawn FnF Stylezzz
647 Ransom Road
Lancaster NY 14086
If you get lost call my cell 908-1750
all are welcome 
haha…i forsee ruckus haha…cant wait, it’ll be fun :tup:
especially when we find you [justin] in the pond all drunk haha
Hmm just around the block from me… hmmm
prior commitment prevents me from attending…
sounds like a good time though… have fun and happy bday to juan and justin! 
i heard i have to bring my own BB Gun this time …
i dont own a bb gun … this is the best i can do …
kidding of course

Hrmmm squerm in a pond you say, i must know of the devious plan!
There are cobwebs on the barrel… I thought you were big time and used that thing… :mamoru: 
i was thinking the same thing. Is that the cartoon kind that you fire and a swarm of bees come out?