Pool Party this sat *CANCELLED*

At my house


Just want to know who is up for it since more likley it will be one of the nicest days left this summer :smiley:

nice juan

i havent been to your new place but i’d like to go :tup:


sounds like fun…I’ll come by for a while, I have been wanting to check out your new house anyways :wink:

damnit ill be in ohio :mad:


no swimming for me though :frowning:

getting more of my tattoo done tomorrow…blaah

isnt that the day of beerfest?

Sure, I’ll go, what time,lunch, dinner, later?



hmmm, i like pools…

^^ yes… and from what i know…you also LOVE waterslides :wink:

Hottt, i want to work on some flips

and watch Juan do some cannonballs

lol those aren’t in the ‘cannonball’ category

they are more like ‘meteors’

haha word up


You’re, like, 2 minutes from me.

juan can newman bring his jetskii in your pool

jesus christ, what is this billy madison

thad be funny

i was sooo waiting for someone to ask this lol

what about 1ish just to swim seat by the pool and have some beer and later we can all go for dinner

bring ur jetski…LOL…only thing is a 21’ above ground pool