Yeah that clutch and short shifter should show nice gains!! :headbang
i wanna see what my Z06 makes on another dyno, im down!
fill that bottle and get some race gas ready. :ohnoes
what time do u plan on doing this till? i get out of work at 3 that day so ill prob head up after.
bottle is full and i dont run race gas only 93
the event goes til 5 or 6 depends on the turnout.
hows the AFR spraying 150hit on pump?
youre nuts.
ill swing by after work then…maybe throw my car on the dyno if there is still time.
i want to get a list of how many people want to get on the dyno. we want to try and get everyone in .I already have 3 guys who are signed up. it will be a first come first serve basis… also who ever puts out the best run on the dyno will get a trophy,other awards will be best in show,best euro,best jap,best amer,best engine set-up. SO come out and have a good time before the snow sticks!!! Hope to see you there.
I think I’ll go to this as long as the weather is nice and its not like 5* outside
i would love to go to this but im working till 5 :angry2
Im hoping for cold weather. cold weather=more power :giggedy
If rays going its all over :tong
hmmm good idea !
I believe the car is away for the winter.
aaaalllriiiighttt :giggedy :giggedy
No matter how much I would have loved to make it, I’m working until 6:30 =(
Oh shut up, call in. No excuses.
YA! what she said
so whos actually dynoing? seems like there is a lot of ppl.
make a list and add your name