Endless 10.6sec S13

Can you spot what’s wrong in this video?

It’s a sequential and he had his e-brake on?

Nice too


Thought I’d add this one in aswell. Epic battle lol.
quoted from youtube vid. info

  • “my soarer running a 500+hp S14 in the right lane and a 700hp 180sx in the left. the one on the left has a T88 powered SR20, so yes it did have 700hp”

^The SR sounded like a honda haha :stuck_out_tongue:

Not quite like a drag race buut… all I got to say, autobahn never scared me and I feel comfortable at speed but this does scare the crap out of me lol unreal:


IMO - i dont think the E-brake lever is used for braking in this car from what i have seen

I mean he had his e-brake up while doing the drag.

Holy shit how fast is that guy going and what kinda car is that…

It’s the wangan and it’s a modified GT-R going 300km/hr+.

If you want to see more check smokey nagata, those guys hit almost 400km/hr on the wangan lol…

I’m okay with driving up to 260km/hr give or take, but that wangan shit freaks me out.

R33 with smokey nagata hitting 315km/hr


Nagata at 328km/hr:

If you want to see more top speed runs check autobahn which is more safe, wangan races are nuts, they are not really built for top speed runs like this, autobahn everyone knows left lane is all out. And if you want more top speed runs check UAE and Saudi videos. Maybe a few here n there from Qatar and Kuwait as they all have very built or expensive exotic cars and do whack stuff. I wouldn’t feel safe in this wangan shiznit. Too many cars, closed/dark, narrow/quick changes, etc… pretty whack, basically pure street racing stylez yo yo lol.

Autobahn in contrast apparently these guys hit 340km/hr:


Very Fast BMW M6 353 kph (GPS verified 332 kph/206.3 mph)


BMW M6 G-power 372km/h in Abu Dhabi, UAE:


It’s all about the autobahn boys! I will be back on it around January 12th! …I got to go back to work :frowning: Christmas holidays are over. This will probably be my last year working in Europe, my contract expires in 2009 and I might not renew it, unless the $ is even more and they give me more time off so I can travel back to Canada. I have been here in Europe for almost 2 years now, I have seen and done it all, time to come home…actually this is home… well whatever… you know what I mean.

He used is ebrake to load the rear and did not release it all the way!!

^Yea that’s what i meant… I dont know much about drag racing… but from what little i understand, some guys would use the ebrake to rev the engine up then let go… am I correct in saying that? But this guy didnt let go he went all the way lol…

In the first vid, when he is revving the engine with the launch control, his speedo is showing like 50km/h. lol

shit son, talk about thread jackin’