enzo ripped in half during crash ... w/ news vid's (of the cars remains)

So the Enzo doesnt have a radio, power windows nor passenger side airbags.

damn! ferrari take it to seriously to make a light-weight super car

for most people, the biggest limitation when driving is themselves.

Haha, what a fucking retard.

And in the second video the retarded reporter says that it’s got a huge V8 that prob. weights over 1500 pounds, haha.

God I love this american car mentality. It’ll just never go away, haha.

Damn Nukkkaaaaaa. that suxors.

well that blows… poor enzo

The guys over on Fchat are saying the car got airbourne after cresting a hill around 170mph while racing a Mercedes SLR after leaving a party argueing over which car was faster.

Hahahaha thats awesome.

Apparently there is a video of this crash out there - I don’t think It’s hit the internet yet… and it’s an in-car vid apparently backing up the owners story!

And this same guys wife was just driving around in a Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren with euro plates, and the car was impounded.

Click HERE

EDIT: And Click HERE for video of this stefan fella driving a black Enzo around.