Every forum has this once in awhile and this time it was the Cobalt guys turn…
bahahahaah and he is so serious about it! I only got to page 5 but LOL’d hard.
good post.
WOW… that made my day…LOL
lmao nice find. thats fucking hilarious.
WOW …hahahaha
lol pretty funny, i dont think the part about racing in reverse was foreal tho, who knows
wow… i think i like the beginning the best where he starts with “SO WE ALL KNOW…”
the guy has like 600 posts, you would think he would pick up on some stuff after that
this is like the guy who wanted a sr2.1 on the ka-t forums.
hahahaha great find. i had quite a good laugh from it
if you read it long enough you eventually find out that the guy who posted it wasnt being serious.
it goes from pretty funny to pretty gay really fast