As if someone out there would be cheesy enough to equip this. Sad part is that they have probably sold thousands.

That shit’s been around for a while now…remember seing it years ago…fact that they’re still selling it means that people are actually buying it. Doubt it actually sounds like a bov

lol thats lame $3500 kit

lol this thing is still around??

I seen one on an early 90s Accord one time, almost got into an accident I was laughing so hard. I’m surprised they haven’t caught on better in Hamilton, there is so much other rice here.

^^ Haha my buddy has one on his cobalt, wont drive with him, just sounds like a really high pitched exhaust leak lol

yeah this thing is pretty old…

LOL I was in grade 9 when i first heard about these, i still laugh about it as i did back then.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn89rq3vQSY 45 seconds in… pretty gay

“supposed” to sound like lol

haha that “sound clip” comes from here:


lmao…one of the funny comments someone posted on youtube about that whistler turbo imitation…

kinda sounds like when you have a booger in your nose and it whistles. where i’m from we actually have a word for that “whistler” ahha

this comment was the best

“you should put it up your ass and see what sound it makes!”

I saw one of those on a Pontiac 3000 (80’s Grand Prix platform).