Epic Video

Its alittle long but if you watch it it will be funny as hell

Saw this on Digg yesterday, was great.

Hahaha that’s awesome. Reminds me a little of my last breakup. Bitch went pshyco

had someone act the same way toward me recently… fucking psycho bitches

Guys, they all act the same. It’s like peaks and valleys, one minute they’re threatening you and trying to belittle you, the next they’re crying at your feet screaming they love you. No exaggeration on the minute thing either. Literally minute to minute.

It’s a coping mechanism or something. Crazy bitches.

lolllllllll falso not all girls are the same!! if we are then all men are the same too, it works both ways!

Now you’re just being ridiculous, who let you on a computer anyway? There are dishes to be done.




oooo i’m sorry, i couldn’t understand you with the dick in your mouth… just think about it, if it weren’t for women, you ass wouldn’t be here

and if there weren’t men, neither would you. :shifty

wheres mah sammich?

+rep :rofl

That guy is a fairy for getting so involved over a break up

benny fizz smck dwns

haha thats pretty funny

how did he get so involved over a breakup?

It was funny as fuck he thought so to

he posted it…

I only watched it for 30 seconds maybe i missed the PUNCHline


well ask another woman because im not your bitch :slight_smile:

gotta watch the whole thing

it is pretty funny :lol