Escape Prisoner


there are a lot of prisioners in the north side… pre-jail :scared:


I don’t think he’ll be hard to miss in the bright red jumpsuit

a mug shot would be nice. i spend a lot of time in the northside ghetto. i dont think its that bad. maybe cause i’m ghetto to begin with.

They just said on the news that he is in ankle shackles too! How did this guy get away from police?!

keep in mind we are talking about the pittsburgh police

He’ll probably go to a friends house to change and cut his hair.

he probably is stealing my g-body right now.

I’m so happy we live in the country… No escape prisoners to worry about… just deer and cows…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

HAHAHA about a year ago a guy escaped … no joke the WPXI teaser was “escaped prisoner with a machette loose” more at 11. THEY DIDN"T TELL YOU WHERE HE WAS LOOSE. :rofl:

theres a big prison in greensburg, do you know where Midway is?

I know where it is and my brother works there… Those are just drunk drivers… no murderers.

oh, i thought it was more than that because of the many many fences and barbed wire

i work 500 yards from that prison on the north side. its just off of chateau st. all the gangsters that work here are all strapped now :hs:

You gotta be careful about those cows and deer though they do get ornery -
Did they ever catch this guy?

There are actually 2 prisons right next to each other and a nursing home in front <- odd combination…
One prison is the State Prison… the other is the county prison…

My brother works at the State prison which is a Medium Security Prison… Non-violent offenders I believe.

My Uncle works at the County Prison… It is more like folks awaiting trial or spending the weekend in prison…

Here’s a story about cows… and it is true…

I got up one day… went to the kitchen… poured coffee… sat in my chair… looked out the front window without opening the curtains and thought I saw something moving… then a car slows way down in front of the house… so I get up to see what it going on… there was a herd of escaped cows and one little black sheep runing back and forth across the road in front of my house… People were stopped and sitting in their cars because some of the cows were just standing on the road looking around… they wouldn’t move… one guy got out of his car and tried to scare them off the road… meanwhile I am standing in the kitchen with my coffee watching trying to figure out what to do…

get the gun, we need meat for the freezer.