Let’s get him!!!

ooohhh noezzz

Just :rofl

jason gibson 18-19 yrs old… was there on a felony criminal mischief charge. still on the loose.

I dont understand it, how hard is it for a cop to hold on to a kid with a fucking bright orange suit, hands and ankles cuffed?

I found them!

kid was left with court clerk. slipped away unseen. … and hes white…

Stupid clerk. And stupid cop… since when does a cop leave a inmate alone? Isnt that his job?

and he’s white:rofl Best comment ever!

just found it amusing…

if he’s from green island he knows the area they will never find him. he’s in the train yard not the river…

Was going to I love in troy for lunch and saw the helicopter hovering over the river

they got him. He ducked into a culvert and headed up the hudson to Green Island where they found him. How stupid can you be??? They know damn well thats where he would go. I would have went the opposite way and had someone meet me.

Well if you were stupid enough to go to jail, but smarter than the clerk that couldnt keep an eye on an bright orange dude, and then dumb enough to get caught going HOME…

That just makes the person that let the guy sneak out look even stupider!




gottt emmm

That helicopter was so freakin low on 787 lookin for this fool,if you were going south as soon as you passed the S.troy exit put the hammer down all the cops were up toward the arsenal area.Saved me about 10 minutes today.

nice one mikey :rofl