esfour pics(coming soon)

Just had a close friend who does professional photography do a photoshoot of my car. She normally does weddings, portaits all that jazz, it was her first time doing a car, but her stuff is amazing and i cant wait to see the results, and hopefully shell have some new customers=] i will post them within the next few days, after she edits them

So you made a thread and you don’t have pics yet? :wtf

That’s like wiping before you poop.

ban 1, lock 1.

I saw it on an earlier thread, but alright. Figure id just make a threadill have them up tomorrow.

I was just curious why you didn’t wait, you should know everyone is going to give you shit on here about it, unless you don’t read any of the threads…

Then remove the thread, i thought of it as a heads up, but I guess i was thinking differently

mother fucker


that your whip in the sigpic?

i just went from midnight to 6… thanks alot

Moved until it actually has pictures.