Eurobeat Albums

If anyone here likes Eurobeat, you can get TONS of them from this site:

That’s pretty much where I got all the Super Eurobeat Album that date back 10+ years…

Of course there’s tons of new stuff as well. Enjoy :slight_smile:

this is the only music to drift to.

lith, do you have a ftp i can leech from? megasplurgload is too lame… =D

if anyone wants Eurobeat stuff I have the complete Initial D related series on cd, plus about 5 or 6 of the Super Eurobeat title. I have them all in mp3 so pm me if you want to get something sent to you.


I think the easiest thing would be for me to dump everything onto someone’s portable HD. 40GB should be enough. PM me if anyone wants to do it this way.


I have a webserver with unlimited bandwidth and unlimited space.
More then willing to setup a place to store anything from or for son members.
pics and files. let me know via pm