very true, it would have slowed the internal bleeding. I no longer like stingrays.
im sure it didnt effect whether he lived or not, because the barb was poisonous. It just made it more badass that he pulled the barb out of him. Just imagine if he would have caught the barb right before it hit him and they had it on film. He would be god.
the barb was supposedly right through his heart…i don’t think it mattered either way…
It doesnt matter. A hole that big through the heart is going to cause the heart to not function correctly. Maybe if he was swimming in a hospital pool when the stingray stabbed him, he might have had a chance of surviving. Not when hes in the ocean. Im sure he realized the situation he was in, knew what was inevitable and he chose what was most logical.
yea, i was thinking the same thing :shrug:
I know he would have died either way, but he would have had a better chance if it stayed in. And im sure he didnt know the thing went through his heart. It stabbed him and he probably just had a knee jerk reaction to pull it out.
Considering the sting ray was probably still alive after stabbing him, it probably would have/was thrashing around so much that instinct told him to pull it out of himself.
The poison isn’t really a big deal. The poison is more of a pain inducing agent than anything else. Its part of a defense mechanism to cause as much pain as possible so the stingray can escape.
actually ya the poison is a big deal
The venom is composed of many different substances that cause tissue to break down and die as well as cause severe pain.
* The toxins contained in the sheath can cause the following symptoms: o Immediate and severe pain radiating up the limb and lasting up to 48 hours o <b>Swelling in the wounded area</b> o Bleeding from the wound o Color change in the area of injury—first dusky blue, then red o Sweating o <b>Low blood pressure</b> o Faintness, weakness, dizziness o Salivation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea o Headache o Shortness of breath o <b>Seizure</b> o <b>Muscle cramps and pain, paralysis</b> o <b>Heart rhythm irregularities</b> o Death, though rare, has been reported from a puncture of the heart or abdomen and from loss of blood.
So having that posion injected right into the heart is a big deal
Anything going into the heart is a big deal. And there is no injecting, the poison coats the barb.
The poison itself does not kill people though. People act like its a snake bite. It is not. Snake venom is used to kill things for eating and survival. The poison on the stingray’s barb is to help it escape.
Thats the point I was trying to make.
also it can be broken down by warm water
if anyone of you die i hope theres photoshops of you
Just because its a defensive mechanism doesnt mean it cant kill you. Did you even read what i quoted? You have a poison that breaks down tissue, causes swelling, paralysis, and heart rhythm irregularities among other things put directly into the heart. To say that it had no effect is dumb.
The point im making is getting stabbed in the heart pretty much means you are going to die, but a very slim chance they could save you. Getting stabbed in the heart with a spike covered in poison that directly effects the functioning of the heart making it practicly impossable to survive.
Am I speaking another language? Anything in the heart will cause problems.
The poison doesn’t kill. The fact that you quoted something saying that poison going in the heart will kill doesn’t mean much because for the poison to get there, the heart has to be punctured.
Do you know how many people get punctured with barbs in the foot and leg every year? Many. And do you know how many deaths from stingrays there have been in recorded history? 17.
Yes the poison has an effect on people and I am sure that going straight into the heart is a very bad thing, however, people are talking about the poison like its from a black widow. The thing that killed him was the hole in his heart.
Holy shit!!
sorry but i just have to @ these
actually that was 17 in the last decade. And you are both right, although the toxin is not normially to blame for the death of something, a muscle relaxer directly to the heart will cause the heart to stop beating, hence causing blood to not circulate, causing death. It was more or less a combination of the two, this of course was said in the Tampa Bay Times by local marine biologists
Steve Irwin was definitely a bad mofo. RIP Steve.
Last decade? Hmm I’ll have to check on that. I read 17 since…ever.