RIP: Steve Irwin, Mr Crocodile Man

he just died 2day from a stingray


he was soo cool…,0.jpg

damn, I guess it is true :frowning:

yea thats fukked guy was awesome God bless his family

i guess the man met his match…

he does some real cool stuffs…
i love his shows…

oh man, this is sad

on the plus side, in 4 years a few comedians will have a new bit.

a few comedians??? hell all of them will

Kroeikey look at the soize of that stingroay…

atleast he died doing something that he loved, my respect goes out to his family

yeah its totally sad :frowning:


Man this guy was the best…:frowning: sad…rip croc hunter :cry:

Some documentry/contribution to him is on discovery right now 11-12