Steve Irwin died the way he lived

with animals in his heart.

too soon?

may b…

but still good.

Hahaha I love how you added the “too soon?” post…brutal… :lol:

Steve Irwin RIP.

with animals in his heart.

too soon?

may b…

but still good.

Hahaha I love how you added the “too soon?” post…brutal… :lol:

Steve Irwin RIP.

6 month waiting period

then its gold

oh wow… thats going to get mixed reviews when used…

FU.CK YOU BUDDY :madfawk: that.

Ppl will forget him by then. that.

Ppl will forget him by then.[/quote]

Ooh, ouch… that was worse than the original joke. that.

Ppl will forget him by then.[/quote]

Ooh, ouch… that was worse than the original joke.[/quote]I thought he was great and all, but he was a bit eccentric.

It’s the same as when you see ppl get hurt and killed during extreme sports, like bungee jumping. The upside is you live, the downside is…well… you don’t anymore.

play with fire youll get burned,



the other good one is,

why did steve irwin return his sunblock?

it didnt protect him from deadly rays.