Even in death, Steve Irwin is more of a bad motherfucker than you'll ever be


Jay Leno’s tribute.

OMG THANK YOU atleast someone gets what i was saying.



actually from the reading I have done on this subject it is found that any hit to the central body is considered to be fatal. This is due to the fact that the poison is injected into the central blood mass and is quickly spread to the vital organs causing them to fail rapidly.

even in death, Steve is still educating the masses about animals. :tup:

He ran it over with his truck… it had its guts hanging out when he picked it up…


Im sure he did. And the knee jerk reaction you are talking about, is a stretch reflex. Not a getting stabbed in the heart reflex.

oh hell yeah, had it been by a lion or gator I would simply say meh

a)it was by a freaking stingray!
b)I take stuff in like a sponge
3)i love the animal kingdom, some i like to just know about, others are delicious!


is that his pouch?

no, thats his testicles

Steve Irwin: a man who literally ate rocks and shit gunpowder.

RIP: you hardcore motherfucker

getting stabbed in the heart survival rate 1-2% chance

getting stabbed in the heart with a barb covered in poison that effect your circulatory system 0-.01%

(numbers are made up to make a point so dont anyone try to bitch about them)
make more sense?

Im sure he did. And the knee jerk reaction you are talking about, is a stretch reflex. Not a getting stabbed in the heart reflex.

Either you are a retard or just trying to sound cool, in which case you are still a retard.

knee jerk reaction = reference to anything you just do without thinking about it. aka getting stabbed with something, your first reaction is to just pull it out.

i can’t believe it that he actually fuckin died like and it wasn’t even a crocidile or a sanke it was a fuckin fish damn

Yeahhhh woowwwwww. You are soooo smart.

No. A “knee jerk” reaction is a patellar tendon reflex. When a muscle feels like its going to be stretched too far, it contracts so that it wont tear. What does that have to do with a puncture wound?

Like I said before…you have the worst analogies.

And if you were too stupid to realize what I was “What’ing” about:

So why even attempt to try and sound smart by saying he had a better chance by leaving it in?

Im sure the stingray would gladly get in the boat and remain still while the barb was still in him.Oh wait.No